When you are creating a video, when would you use stock footage? Whether you’re doing it yourself or working with a Minnesota video production team, I wanted to share three reasons with you why it might be a good idea to use stock footage in your videos.
First is, maybe you’re making a video in Minnesota in the winter, but your brand needs summer imagery. That is a perfect time to use stock footage instead.
The next reason is if you need something highly technical for your video. For example, I had to make a video that required extremely close up slow motion shots of bees pollinating flowers. I probably could have got that footage myself, but it would have takenĀ many hours and special equipment, versus the ease of grabbing a great looking stock video for that same purpose.
And the third reason is if your brand would benefit from showing multiple locations, like a boat pulling into a harbor on the ocean and someone climbing to a mountaintop. If that speaks to your brand, going to those locations is extremely expensive when all of that footage is available for very low cost as stock footage.
So keep those things in mind as you’re either making your own videos or working with a Minneapolis videographer.
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